المنتدى الرسمى لمحبى عماد متعب

حصرى**ترجمة لحديث حسام حسن لموقع الفيفا**حصرى 613623
عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول اذا كنت عضو معنا
او التسجيل ان لم تكن عضو وترغب في الانضمام الي اسرة المنتدي
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شكرا حصرى**ترجمة لحديث حسام حسن لموقع الفيفا**حصرى 829894
ادارة المنتدي حصرى**ترجمة لحديث حسام حسن لموقع الفيفا**حصرى 103798

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المنتدى الرسمى لمحبى عماد متعب

حصرى**ترجمة لحديث حسام حسن لموقع الفيفا**حصرى 613623
عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول اذا كنت عضو معنا
او التسجيل ان لم تكن عضو وترغب في الانضمام الي اسرة المنتدي
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شكرا حصرى**ترجمة لحديث حسام حسن لموقع الفيفا**حصرى 829894
ادارة المنتدي حصرى**ترجمة لحديث حسام حسن لموقع الفيفا**حصرى 103798

المنتدى الرسمى لمحبى عماد متعب

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المنتدى الرسمى لمحبى عماد متعب

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    حصرى**ترجمة لحديث حسام حسن لموقع الفيفا**حصرى

    ساحر الكره المصريه
    ساحر الكره المصريه
    عاشق ذهبي
    عاشق ذهبي

    عدد المساهمات : 1131
    العمر : 35
    Localisation : من ام الدنيا طنطا

    حصرى**ترجمة لحديث حسام حسن لموقع الفيفا**حصرى Empty حصرى**ترجمة لحديث حسام حسن لموقع الفيفا**حصرى

    مُساهمة من طرف ساحر الكره المصريه الثلاثاء مارس 18, 2008 1:00 am

    recently made the switch from the pitch to the dugout when he took the reins at one of his former clubs, Al Masry.

    The 41-year-old is a living legend in his homeland. When Hassan won his first title for the Pharaohs, the 1986 CAF Africa Cup of Nations, Mido - his successor as Egypt's current most prominent player - was just three years old. Two decades later, these players stood shoulder to shoulder on the podium as Hassan lifted his third continental title on home soil.

    Yet despite numbering among Africa's most successful footballers, controversy has dogged the remarkable career of this 170-times-capped striker. Even as his former team-mates successfully defended their Cup of Nations title in Ghana earlier this year, Hassan was forced to suspend his career as a player after ending his contract with Egyptian club Al-Ittihad and failing to secure another contract during the winter break.

    However, Hassan remains a player who wrote his own destiny, and in an exclusive interview with FIFA.com, the Egypt legend insists that moving into coaching simply represents his latest challenge.

    FIFA.com: Hossam, what is the secret behind being one of the few strikers across the world who have remained prolific over such a long period of time?
    Hossam Hassan:
    This is the result of my dedication to the game and my consistent hard work. Of course you lose something from a physical point of view [as you get older] but you improve tactically and mentally and my endless love of the game was always the fuel of my success.

    Why do you feel this is the right time to turn to coaching?Football is the core of my life and I just I cannot stop thinking about it. It is not a job or hobby for me; it is my whole world. So when I received the offer, I did not think too long because I felt it was time for me to move on to the next level in my relations with the game.

    Do you believe that you have what it takes to start a coaching career?Yes, and the success that [Jurgen] Klinsmann and Dunga have enjoyed with their national teams is a clear indication that coaching is not a job only for experienced figures. I was very happy when I learned that Iran had appointed Ali Daei and, to be honest, I believe I should have started to practice coaching five years ago while I was playing.

    Do you not consider it risky to start off with a club, in Al Masry, which has already dismissed two coaches this season?Many coaches would hesitate before working with a club like Al Masry because it is certainly a challenge, but this is something that I always look for. Additionally, I know the club well because I played there and I know the president and the administration, so I am quite excited about my new mission and I have no fears.

    What about the club's fans, who are known for being very enthusiastic and demanding?I will try to use their enthusiasm in my favour. I already enjoy great popularity among the fans and I think that as soon as I lead them to their first victory, my task will be much easier and everyone will try to help me to succeed.

    What do you say to those who say you lack the sufficient experience and do not hold a coaching license?I have all the experience needed and I gained valuable knowledge from the coaches that I worked with like Roy Hodgson, Uli Stielike, Gerard Gili and Otto Pfister; they are all first-class coaches who I learned and gained a lot from. And of course above all is Mahmoud Al-Gohary (former Egypt and Al Ahly coach).

    What makes Al-Gohary so special?Because he is the best coach I ever worked with; to me he is like a godfather and he had a lot of influence on my career and my personality. He is a remarkable person who taught me many things that turned my life around on and off the pitch.

    What about Hassan Shehata, who has now won the Cup of Nations twice and was your boss in 2006?He is a good coach, but he had much better circumstances which made his job easier. In 2006, we won the cup on home soil and even this year when he successfully defended the title, it was normal because we were the title holders. I am convinced that the 1998 Cup which we won in Burkina Faso under Al-Gohary's command was the toughest competition Egypt ever won. At the time, we did not have the kind of support the team gets now and there were no sponsors or such advanced logistics. I think now with the better administration and the fact that we have been the best team in African football for the past four years, we must be the favourites to reach the 2010 World Cup finals.

    Is there something that you missed out on in your career?Yes, I should have continued my European career after short spells in Switzerland and Greece (with Neuchatel Xamax and PAOK); it could have given me more international fame. I would have loved to play in Italy but I decided to return home in the spur of the moment to help my former club Al Ahly regain their pride and threw my European dream away.

    Did you have any other regrets in your career?Well, when I quit Ahly after 20 happy years, it was a very tough moment but when I look back at it now, I see it as a blessing because I also played for their rivals Zamalek and had the same success. That made me one of the most popular players in Egypt.

    How do you feel now that you have hung up your boots for good?I don't want to shock you, but I never announced such a decision, although I have to admit that I am seriously considering it. I will announce my decision next summer, and maybe I will continue to play while coaching. I hope that whenever I do have my retirement game, I can invite Mr Blatter and Michel Platini, who both honoured me in Cairo as the most capped player in the world seven years ago. As for my ultimate target, that is to coach the national team, so Shehata had better watch out!</SPAN>


    ما هو السر وراء كونك </SPAN>واحد من المهاجمين القلائل فى العالم بقاءا مدة طويلة فى الملاعب ؟</SPAN>

    - </SPAN></SPAN></SPAN>نتيجة المجهود فى الملعب و الالتزام فى التدريبات</SPAN></SPAN>

    - </SPAN></SPAN></SPAN>طبيعى ان تخسر جزء من مجهودك البدنى مع التقدم فى العمر لكن تتطور تكتيكيا وفكريا والحب اللانهائى للعب كان هو دائما دافعى للنجاح</SPAN></SPAN> </SPAN>


    لماذا تشعر ان هذا هو الوقت المناسب لكى تتحول للتدريب ؟</SPAN>

    - </SPAN></SPAN></SPAN>كرة القدم هى جوهر حياتى ولا استطيع التوقف عن التفكير فيها</SPAN></SPAN> </SPAN>

    - </SPAN></SPAN></SPAN>ليست مهنة او هواية بالنسبة لى انها الحياة كلها بالنسبة لى</SPAN></SPAN>

    - </SPAN></SPAN></SPAN>عندما تلقيت العرض لم افكر طويلا لانى شعرت انه الوقت المناسب لاتحول لمستوى اخر من علاقتى باللعبة</SPAN></SPAN> </SPAN>


    هل تعتقد انك تملك ما يؤهلك لبداية مهنة التدريب؟</SPAN>

    - </SPAN></SPAN></SPAN>نعم ، نجاح كلينسمان و دونجا مع منتخباتهم دليل واضح على ان التدريب ليست حكرا على الخبراء فقط</SPAN></SPAN>

    - </SPAN></SPAN></SPAN>وكنت سعيد للغاية عندما علمت بتعيين على دائى مدربا لايران</SPAN></SPAN> </SPAN>

    - </SPAN></SPAN></SPAN>واعتقد انى كنت بمارس التدريب من خمس سنوات وانا امارس اللعبة</SPAN></SPAN> </SPAN>


    هل تعتقد انها بداية محفوفة بالمخاطر انك تبدا مع النادى المصرى مع تغييره لاثنين من المدربين منذ بداية الموسم ؟</SPAN>

    - </SPAN></SPAN></SPAN>كثير من المدربين ممكن ان يترددوا فى تدريب فريق مثل المصرى لانه بالتاكيد تحدى، لكن هذا ما ابحث عنه</SPAN></SPAN>

    - </SPAN></SPAN></SPAN>بالاضافة لذلك انى اعرف النادى جيدا لانى لعبت فيه من قبل واعرف رئيسه ومجلس ادارته لذلك انا سعيد تماما فى مهمتى الجديدة بدون اى خوف</SPAN></SPAN> </SPAN>


    ماذا عن جمهور النادى والمعروف بالحماس الشديد والتعصب ؟</SPAN>

    - </SPAN></SPAN></SPAN>ساحاول ان استغل حماسهم فى صالح الفريق</SPAN></SPAN>

    - </SPAN></SPAN></SPAN>اتمتع بشعبية جارفة بين الجمهور وعندما اقودهم للفوز الاول مهمتى ستكون اسهل والكل سيتعاون معى من اجل النجاح</SPAN></SPAN> </SPAN>


    ماذا تقول لمن يشير الى عدم امتلاكك للخبرة التدريبية الكافية ؟</SPAN>

    - </SPAN></SPAN></SPAN>عندى الخبرة الكافية من خلال تعاملى مع كثير من المدربين مثل جيرار جيلى واوتوفيستر وهؤلاء مدربين من المرتبة الاولى وتعلمت الكثير منهم واكيد قبل هؤلاء محمود الجوهرى.</SPAN></SPAN>


    ما الذى يجعل الجوهرى شديد التميز ؟</SPAN>

    - </SPAN></SPAN></SPAN>لانه افضل مدرب تعاملت معه</SPAN></SPAN>

    - </SPAN></SPAN></SPAN>هو بالنسبة لى الاب الروحى وله تاثير كبير على فى حياتى الكروية وشخصيتى.</SPAN></SPAN> </SPAN>

    - </SPAN></SPAN></SPAN>هو شخص جدير بالاحترام تعلمت منه الكثير الذى بدل حياتى داخل وخارج الملعب.</SPAN></SPAN> </SPAN>


    ماذا عن حسن شحاتة الذى فاز بلقب الامم الافريقية مرتين منهم مرة تحت قيادته فى 2006 ؟</SPAN>

    - </SPAN></SPAN></SPAN>حسن شحاتة مدرب جيد، لكن كان عنده من العوامل ما جعل مهمته اسهل</SPAN></SPAN>

    - </SPAN></SPAN></SPAN>فى 2006 فاز باللقب فى ارضنا ووسط الجمهور والسنة الحالية فاز باللقب انه امر طبيعى لاننا حاملي اللقب </SPAN></SPAN></SPAN>

    - </SPAN></SPAN></SPAN>انا مقتنع بان كاس الامم 98 فى بوركينافاسو تحت قيادة الجوهرى كانت اصعب بطولة فازت بها مصر</SPAN></SPAN> </SPAN>

    - </SPAN></SPAN></SPAN>فى هذا الوقت لم نلق الدعم مثلما يلقاه الفريق الان ولم يكن هناك من يرعى الفريق</SPAN></SPAN> </SPAN>

    - </SPAN></SPAN></SPAN>اعتقد الان ومع الادارة الجيدة واننا افضل فريق فى افريقيا على مدار الاربع سنوات الماضية يجب ان نصل كاس العالم 2010 .</SPAN></SPAN> </SPAN>


    هل هناك شئ فقدته فى حياتك الكروية ؟</SPAN>

    - </SPAN></SPAN></SPAN>كان يجب ان استمر فى الاحتراف بعد تجربتى القصيرة فى سويسرا واليونان ، كان من الممكن ان تعطينى شهرة اكثر على مستو العالم.</SPAN></SPAN>

    - </SPAN></SPAN></SPAN>كنت اتمنى اللعب فى ايطاليا ولكن قررت العودة لناديه السابق الاهلى كى يستعيد البطولات وضحيت بحلم الاحتراف</SPAN></SPAN> </SPAN>


    هل هناك اشياء اخرى ندمت عليها ؟</SPAN>

    - </SPAN></SPAN></SPAN>نعم، بعد تركى الاهلى بعد 20 عاما سعيدة كانت لحظة صعبة للغاية ولكن اذا نظرت الان اجد انها كانت نعمة لانى لعبت للمنافس الزمالك وحققت نفس النجاح </SPAN></SPAN></SPAN>

    - </SPAN></SPAN></SPAN>واصبحت من اشهر لاعبى مصر</SPAN></SPAN>



    SanyOreta <3 H
    SanyOreta <3 H
    فائزة في مسابقة العضو المجهول + مشرفة قسم الكرة المصرية
    فائزة في مسابقة العضو المجهول + مشرفة قسم الكرة المصرية

    عدد المساهمات : 16163
    Localisation : B.A.7.R.A.i.N

    حصرى**ترجمة لحديث حسام حسن لموقع الفيفا**حصرى Empty رد: حصرى**ترجمة لحديث حسام حسن لموقع الفيفا**حصرى

    مُساهمة من طرف SanyOreta <3 H الثلاثاء مارس 18, 2008 4:35 am

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