حبيبي أنا قلبي واجعني...تفتكروا بجد قلبك ممكن يوجعك من الحب..مس كأحساس و شعور..لأ كمرض حقيقي؟؟
في الحقيقة اه...و ده بجد مرض اسمه broken heart syndrome و ده اللي تحت
جزء من تقرير جالي عنه...هو المرض شبه الheart attack يعني الصدمة القلبية
بس أضراره أخف و غير دائمة و المريض مش بيحتاج عمليات و لا حاجة الشفاء
بمجرد الراحة...الراحة من الحب!!
n fact, they have dubbed the condition "broken heart syndrome."
In a study published just in time for Valentine's Day, doctors reported
how a tragic or shocking event can stun the heart and produce classic
heart attack-like symptoms, including chest pain, shortness of breath
and fluid in the lungs.
Unlike a heart attack, the condition is reversible. Patients often are
hospitalized but typically recover within days after little more than
bed rest and fluids, and suffer no permanent damage to their hearts.
In their study, published in Thursday's New England Journal of
Medicine, doctors at Johns Hopkins University gave a name to the
condition, demonstrated through sophisticated heart tests how it
differs from a heart attack, and offered an explanation for what causes